Sunday, November 28, 2010

Reasons to love Charles Groden: Midnight Run (1988)

Looking at old reviews of this movie, I can see why it was well received by critics like Ebert and the NY Times. In 1988, Deniro hadn't played this same character at least 30 times so it might have seemed like a "light" roll for him, a change from the serious and violent work he had become known for. Today the performance comes off as the same old Deniro, NY-though-guy-with-ethics, being hilariously frustrated at every obstacle and finding violence (or at least the threat of it) to be the only solution. The only time he really shines is in his portrayal of a deadbeat dad, coming home to the family he abandoned only because he needs desperately their help. He is pitifully proud and creates a shockingly realistic picture of the problems in a new modern family, with step-parents and satellite dads.
The real genius of the film comes from Deniro's partner Charles Groden who's deadpan style and slow comic timing were a now-classic balance to Deniro's aggression. Just like we have seen in countless off-beat buddy couple movies from Planes Trains and Automobiles to Lethal Weapon to Bad Boys. What I found exceptional about Groden was though he is set-up as being the criminal, he is far more decent than anyone around him. His unwavering adherence to an almost Jesus-like moral code make the people around him seem completely ridiculous and flawed. It almost has the same feel of another classic movie starring probably the best deadpan actor of all time Peter Sellers. In, Being There it is pretty clearly suggested that Sellers is a super-natural being... maybe angel... maybe Jesus. Who knows? The point is, his simplicity and complete purity shake the foundation of everyone around him using whispers rather than screams.
Eventually, after many failures Deniro recognizes what is truly right through the example of Groden in what is admittedly an well done emotionally charged ending scene. It's very satisfying as a good action buddy comedy should be.
...i can't believe I just got that deep about midnight run...

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