Sunday, November 7, 2010

31 Days of Eating: Day One


(click above for the recipe)

When it comes to cooking, Thomas Keller knows what he is doing. When I looked at his recipe for roasted chicken I thought it was too simple to be true. Just salt and pepper? Here I am stuffing my bird with every spice and vegetable I have at hand and this bitch isn't even using garlic?? We'll just see about that. One bite of his simple chicken and I was more than happy to eat my words.


There are some key points that can not be replaced or ignored in this recipe:

#1 - Get a good little hormone-free locally-raised chicken. I'm fortunate enough to live in an urban area where we have many weekly farmer's markets. Yes, it's going to be more expensive than ACME, but you only need a 2-3 lb bird so get over it.

#2 - Rinse AND pat dry the bird. I skip this step too often and always end-up w a dried out bird. Please don't be a rushed lazy asshole like I am. ALSO be sure to use large sea salt or kosher salt when salting the bird and do what the man suggests and sprinkle the salt over the carcass so that large pieces stick to the skin. He's a chef.

#3 - Use a roasting or saute pan to cook the bird. I had no idea how much of a difference this could make. Don't ask me to explain the physics of it all, just know that using a pan kicks using a baking dish's ass. Please do be sure to check if your pan is oven-safe. We're aiming for a plastic-free bird here.

#4 - The hardest rule to follow: DON' FUCK WITH THE BIRD. Jesus just leave it alone. Make some side-dishes, set the table, smoke, watch the "Colbert Report"... whatever just keep the oven door closed for one full hour. Have some goddamn self control.

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